Wednesday, April 6, 2016

News Value

This affects a large group of people who are in need of asylum, and is an event that has been in action for quiet a while. With the change in the system, there is sure to be disputes that follow up.
E.U. Introduces Proposals to Overhaul Asylum System


This is a very unique story because it features dogs and news articles tend to focus on people. Also it is about a man flying dogs to other shelters which is something new and not heard of and makes people want to learn more about the subject. 
Pups on a plane: Flight saves 49 squirmy bundles of fur

This is a very current event relating with ISIS one of the most talked about events at the moment. This event might also affect future events soon to come.
ISIS Abducts Workers from Cement Factory is Syria

The murder of a UT student occured which is only miles away from the consumers buying this newspaper. Some of the reader's might even be UT students and need to know of the events occuring
Austin PD called in to probe UT death
 Acknowledging “a lot of justified anxiety” after a woman was found dead in Waller Creek on the campus Tuesday morning, University of Texas President Gregory L. Fenves brought in the Austin Police Department to lead the homicide investigation.

There was a conflict between a Bangladesh Activist and militants which ended badly for the activist, him being physically shot and killed. Not only was the conflict physical but the two "groups" had opposing views and ideas.
Bangladesh Activist is Killed After Critizing Militants

There was a technical glitch on the STARR tests and affected 14,220 students. This problem might have impacted their scores and if AISD continues to test using the current program, students might face more technical issues in the future.
Glitch erases 14,220 STAAR Tests
 State officials are threatening to reconsider a $280 million contract with its testing vendor after answers to 14,220 state standardized tests were erased because of a computer glitch last week.

Human Interest 

The Romas were poisened at the U,N, camps, a place where they are supposed to be safe. This caused a lot of drama and now they are getting a compensation along with an apology.
Roma Poisoned at U.N. Camps in Kosovo May Get Apology and Compensation

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