Friday, May 6, 2016

Warm Up

1. What is your favorite photo? Either describe it, or figure out a way to post it on your blog.
My favorite photograph is the image of the dog looking out the window of the car, I really like the framing elements and colors of the photograph. 
2. Does it seem like all of these images could have been taken with a phone?

These images look very high quality and I would not think they have been taken with a phone. 
3. How much do you think the apps some of the photographers used impacted the image?
I think the apps the photographer used majorly impacted the photo because they are able to manipulate the contrast, brightness and filter of the photo. 
4. List two tips you think might help your own photography with a phone.

Some tips that might help my photography with my phone is to find good lighting because that is very important when dealing with a lower quality camera, and to good contrasting colors that will make your image stand out. 

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