Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)?
I am going to do my neighbor's son 
2. When will you do this car raid?

This weekend 
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?

When is the most likely situation where you would use your car? 
Do you carpool with your friends a lot? 
What's your favorite radio station to listen to in the car? 
How long have you been driving?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?
I would write down what kind of CDs he has in his car because I think you can tell a lot from a person's music taste. Also just the general condition of the car (old? new?) and how it is inside. I'll look at what he has in the little compartments because people usually keep important things in those places. 

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