Thursday, January 21, 2016

Magazine Cover Review #3

1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
The name of the magazine is "Cali" and Callie made it. 

2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I liked the magazine photo itself and stands out because it is black and white. I also like that they used the coral color for some of the text because it is a good contrast between the black and white. 

3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
I think that some of the text should be a different color because it ends up blending in with the photograph. 

4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this cover because I liked the photo and I thought the headlines were positioned interestingly. 

5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
Yes there is a bar code and it is appropriate and placed in the corrected place. 

6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
Yes I would pick this magazine up because the black and white will stand out within the colorful magazines and also because the healines are small it'll differ from the other covers where the words are crowded. 

7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
Yes you can tell it was a self-portrait because it is taken so close. 

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