Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part III

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? Post the images with your writing.

There are several the images stood out to me more than any of the others. The photographer with the man and the woman stood out among the photographs because there are two people in the photograph rather than it just focusing on one subject. What also makes this photograph great is the contrast, which is very important is black and white photography. It is darker along the edges and then slightly gets lighter towards the middle, where the subjects are. This leads toward the subject and makes it more noticeable. Then in the second photograph, of the man sitting at the desk, what made that photograph different than the others is he is sitting down and has other objects surrounding him, unlike all the typical portrait photos. There's a lot of character in that photo which ties in with emotion making the photograph more appealing and pleasing to look at and explore. Even with all the objects around him, the image maintains a good balance, the shelf balancing with the man. As in the other photo, it has a good contrast and makes things stand out. The man's face stands out against the background and then the lamp is lighter than the background, standing out and the contrast is balanced on both sides. 

I see two people standing, still but full of emotion on their face. The man is taller than the woman, but not by a lot. The woman is beautiful and still youthful, the man has an important presence and is serious. They are both dressed nice and come from nice backgrounds. They are standing against a plain background with lights shining down on both of them. 

I smell a clean dusty smell, the kind you smell after someone got done painting and the smell is still lingering in the air. It's crisp and pleasant and not too overwhelming. The smell has a cold feel to it, and when you inhale you feel refreshed and renewed. 

I hear laughter and a deep comforting 
voice. The laughter coming from the woman and the voice coming from the man. There's distinct talking between the sounds of the clicking of the camera, and then a long silence. I hear feet shuffling as the people are trying to find their stance. 

I taste the ripe taste of the wine the people have 
brought over. It feels dry as I continue to shoot the people. I take a bit of a small creamy cube of cheese and it melts like cotton candy. The flavor kicks in but it's still pleasant and a little tangy. 

I feel happy and warm inside. The couple has a positive vibe which radiates all around them and infects everyone around. The woman makes you feel cared for and the man makes you feel important. When you mix them both in a closed room their personalities balance each other out, making you feel as though you are a young child, innocent and worthy. 

I see an elderly man who is focused on his work, but he is the only presence in his office. Years of work and study surround him all within three feet. He takes his doing very seriously and wants his importance to be captured. 

I smell shaved wood and a hint of a rustic fire burning. It smells as though you have gone camping, but walls and a ceiling around your camping ground, blocking out the fresh air and cool breeze There is also a sweet generic smell in the air from a candle burning. 

I hear silence and the thick sound of the ticking of the clock. I hear a loud continuing sound of a pen gliding against paper, and the shuffling of contracts are the man looks from something on 
his desk. I hear footsteps as the man walks over to the lamp and a "click" when he turns it on. 

I taste black coffee which is slightly sweetened. It's hot against my tongue and burns as it goes down my throat. The taste is pure but bitter, 
with a smokey aftertaste. 

I feel relaxed and not rushed. It seems as the world has stopped when you're in that room because the surroundings are so serene and quiet. It feels as though you can stay in that room for days, exploring the books that lay on the bookshelf and let your imagination wander sitting at the desk and putting down your imagination on a piece of paper. 

What I would create to display the works of Yosuf Karsh would be a website including his best photographs and then the story behind the photograph. Meaning I would research the person he photographed and write a little biography on them. I would also analyze the photo and explain what elements make the photograph like no other. 

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