Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

The theme park I would want to visit is Koka Family Land in Shiga Japan. The reason I would want to go there is because all the abounded rides have been affected by nature, which makes the "dead" amusement park seem a little more alive. It also has some of the more appealing rides if you compare it to the other abandoned theme parks. There's still some colors left (even though they are dull) it has a serene feeling to it and would photograph well. My favorite part is the ferris wheel because it is so big and it makes you wonder about the unexplored parts of it high up.

Five unusual places that I would like to photograph are a cemetary, abandoned asylum. abandoned schools, an abandoned prison and old houses. 

I think it would be really interesting to photograph a cemetery because there's a lot of history behind it and even some stories (the gravestones). It also immediately gives off an eerie feeling just because of the fact it's a cemetery. There are also a lot of interesting angles you can take the photos at because of the placing of the gravestones. You can achieve great close up photographs but also landscape photos. 

Getting to a cemetery wouldn't be a problem because I know of at least two in Austin and it would be easy to access and I wouldn't have to make an expense. 

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