Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

The article was about how photographers (most being very successful) misused photoshop or photo manipulation and lost their jobs and credibility. These photographers either removed, changed or added something to the picture, which gave false information and may have even offended people related to the photo. Some of these photos had to do with important world/political information such as missiles launching and cabinet members, while others dealt with everyday people such as baseball players kneeling for a hurt player or a woman crying.

I think photo manipulation can be both acceptable and unacceptable. It's unacceptable when you take an event and change the facts about it, such as adding or taking away important elements. Because the photo itself is a lie. For me this only matters if the change is very major and noticeable. But if the change isn't that noticeable or doesn't take or give anything away from the story, to me its not important.

I think this photo is the most unethical because it's displaying false information and making the soldiers seem bad, and the people desperate. Making all these changes definitely makes the photo seem more appealing and emotional because the conditions seem bad. It seems that the soldier is telling the man to either go away or stop while the man holds his little daughter in his arms. It makes an obvious "good guy" and "bad guy" scenario, which never really happened. 

I don't see anything wrong with this photo at all. The mountains were just pushed closer together to fit the magazine cover. The change doesn't make the purpose of the photo any different and doesn't alter the emotions you feel when you see the photograph. 

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