Thursday, September 24, 2015

Academics and Community Service

My favorite photograph is the one titled "Political Secrets" where the woman is whispering into the man's ears with an american flag in the background.

1. I picked this photograph because it was the one that caught my attention the best. I think it's really powerful and mature taking the "academic" theme to another level. It's also mysterious fitting the title "political secrets" because you can only see half of the woman's face and then you can't see the man's face at all. Then the flag in the background gives the photo a patriotic feel.

2. This photograph follows the rule of simplicity because it has a clear and strong focus point on the woman and the man. Even though there are still things in the background (such as the flag and even a person behind the woman) they are blurred out giving the ability to fully focus on the woman and man. It also follows rule of thirds which is why I think it's so powerful, because in my opinion the placement of the subject is the most important aspect. There is also balance between the flag and then the woman and man.

1. I could take photos like the ones I saw today in classrooms that do fun activities, but I wouldn't want too much people in my photograph because to me the photograph is stronger when there are less people because the focus is larger.

2. I think I would want to go to Ms. Frazier's classroom because she's the hospitality teacher and they always play fun games which I think will result in really good photographs.

3. I would find a good focus point and then take multiple photographs of it from different angles and use different rules of photography.

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