Thursday, March 31, 2016

My First Interview

1. What does it mean to be Student of the Month?
It means that I have accomplished goals that I have set for the future 
2. What is the process that you have to go through to be chosen?
You submit an entry and the student council looks at it 
3. Do you see this as an accomplishment?
Yes because it defined that I can get to my goals 
4. How does this award influence how your peers act towards you?
My peers respect me more 
5. Has this award been one of your goals?
Slowly over time it made me realize I can do more than what I thought I was capable of 
6. How does this award inspire you further on?
It inspires me by adding it to my list of accomplishments that I will take with me throughout my life because of the lessons I've learned
7. Which academic activities are you involved in?
I am involved in soccer, tech theater, hospitality and key club
8. What are your goals and ambitions for the future?
I want to be a nurse and go to A&M 
9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I want to be married and involved in my work creating a change 
10. Have you worked hard to accomplish this goal?
Yes because I have worked very hard at my grades 
11. What were the steps you took to get to where you are?
Hard work, extracurricular activities and empowerment 
12. Have you always been academically successful?
I have been successful majority of the time and especially as I have gotten older because I have realized the importance of it
13. What were you like in your younger years?
I was very weird and crazy 
14.What is your favorite part about coming to school?
Being able to see my friends and go to my elective classes 
15. How large is the competition for the award?
The competition was very big because everyone wants to make their mark 
16. Who else do you know who was aiming for this award?
Patty Tomsom, she came very close in the running 
17. What is your favorite subject and why.
English because I am able to express myself through the words I write 
18. Are you involved in any sports? How long have you been playing?
I've been playing soccer since I was four years old 
19. What are the incentives for this award?
It is  a great addition to a college application and it will benefit me throughout high school
20. What was your family's/ friend's reaction to your award?
They were all very proud 

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