Wednesday, March 30, 2016

School Uniforms

Topic: School Uniforms
3 Sources for Interview: Students , Teachers, Parents
1. Are you for or against the school uniforms?
2. How will the environment of the school change with these uniforms?
3. Why do you think this rule was created?
4. What would you change about the uniforms?
5. Are these uniforms restricting self expression?
6. Do you see any positives with this change?
7. Any negatives?
8. Is it fair that only students are required to wear uniforms and not staff?
9. Who was involved in the decision of requiring uniforms?
10. Who is going to be more affected by this, girls or boys?
11. Why?
12. What do you think made the school require uniforms?
13. Is there any diversity in these uniforms?
14. Do you think there will be any problems with the uniforms?
15. What are the consequences of not wearing your uniform?
16. Does this financially affect the students?
17. Will there be more focus on academics with these uniforms?
18. How long did it take the school to make a decision about the new rule?
19. Who was involved in making the decision?
20. What are these uniforms going to look like?

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