Monday, November 16, 2015

American Soldier- Photos Make The Story

Set 1 - at home  - Image 1 to Image 3
Set 2 - basic training - Image 4 to Image 13
Set 3 - in Iraq - Image 14 to Image 27

Which set of images was the most powerful? Why?

The set of images that was the most powerful was when he was in Iraq because that's where all his handwork is being payed off and that's where the most danger is at. What is unique about this set of photographs is that it does not only focus on the man but also on his surroundings and captures both their and his emotions, and you are able to see how they both work together. 

How do the images work together to tell a story?

The images work together to tell a story because it captures the man's transformation as he leaves his home and starts basic training. Not only is he changed physically, the photos are able to document his mental change of mind. The photos become even more enriched with emotion as he goes into Iraq because you can tell he has become more toughed by all the weapons and danger around him. 

 For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?

The verbs are written in present tense.

How do the captions enhance the photographs?

The captions enhance the photographs because they make you feel as though you are right there while that moment is happening. It lets you know the background information of the photograph and goes into specific detail that usually would not be included in an article. 

Summarize the story of Ian Fisher, based just on the captions. 

Ian Fisher goes into the army right after graduating high school, but soon begins to feel out of place because of his injuries. While in training, he goes through physical and mental challenges because the program is designed to affect you that way. He is well liked and gets along well with the other troops and is successful in his missions. After serving in Iraq, he comes homes and marries his girlfriend, with the thought he is done serving. 

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