Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Eagle Edition
Volume 33, Issue 7
The Episcopal School of Dallas

News- Students explore China to connect to the World
Features- Flying towards your goals
Sports- Crew working day and night towards success
Opinions- Starting a new life with faith
Entertainment- My views on Views
Features- Imperfect with Perfection

7 News Values
Seniors spend final days learning life skills- Timeliness
Faculty organizes summer trip to China- Prominence
Graduation returns to ESD- Impact
Behind the Mask- Human Interest
Sky High | teens take life skills to the air- Prominence
New director aims to broaden diversity, inclusion- Impact
Magazine release, film viewing showcase creator's work- Prominence
LAX goes strong in SPC, falls short at state- Impact
Victories launch crew toward elite contests- Prominence
Random thoughts and parting shots- Impact
Dissatisfaction with flex this year inspires multiple improved ideas- Impact
Snapchats fall flat- Novelty
Red or Blue, what's your view?- Novelty
Tokens of faith follow me to college- Prominence
Border takes crash course in sibling rivalry- Human Interest

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Photo 1

Bret Landin is leaping into the pool for the 100 yard butterfly race. She has been the winner of this division for three consecutive years.

Photo 2

Students of McKennly High School gather to take on a project to aid the homeless
community. These houses will provide a home for more than one hundred people in need.

Photo 3

The members of the SAT study group meet to prepare and cram for the upcoming exam. The students meet three times a week and spend around two hours each session.

Photo 4

Students scramble to find a parking lot arriving at 8:00 am daily. The school has had 200 new incoming students presenting problems because of limited parking space.

Photo 5

Staff, Andrea Henrick and Russell Llyod, and student Travis Moore dress up to represent their American pride by covering themselves with red, white and blue. "American day" is an annual event which has been around for 17 years, becoming more celebrated each year.

Photo 6

Connor O'Haley is engaging in a scientific experiment with teacher Mark Henson by his side. Connor shares a deep passion for chemistry and is president of the Science club at school.

Eagle Edition
The Esiscopal School of Dallas
Volume 33, Issue 4


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Car Raid

I interviewed sophomore Nelson Andrew who drives a red Ford pick up truck. There were some very interesting finds in his two seat truck. I found used baseball grips in the cup holders and it turned out he has a big passion for the sport. "I've been playing for as long as I can remember," he said "baseball has always been an outlet for my emotions because it is something I'm really good at and it helps me calm down in the moment."

I also found a pair of Oakley sunglasses, which I assumed were used for baseball, but I was still tempted to ask Andrew about it. "I actually use those sunglasses for when I go golfing." So I asked him about his relationship with golf. "Golf is a sport I play to spend time with my dad. He's a big golf player and it's really important to me maintain a good relationship with my dad, and golf helps me with that."

Andrew's car was fairly clean but then I found an old ticket stub in the compartment. "That was from a while ago when I went to the movie's with this one girl. She was cool but a bit boring so I never texted her again." I wanted to follow up more on Nelson's social life so I asked him more questions about his relationships. "I have a lot of friends because I am part of a lot of teams such as baseball, gold, and church groups. I'm currently not in a relationship, and I don't think I want to be."

I was about done with my interview but then I had one final question to ask, which is I wanted to know what he uses his car for, such as where he goes on the regular occasion. "I actually like to go on  casual drives, it helps me relax, especially at night. I also have a little brother so I'm always forced to drive him places but I don't mind it."

From this interview it is obvious Nelson is a humble person who has a very social and active life. I've known him for a while but was never aware of all the little details of his personal life. It was very interesting finding out all these things by just the findings in his car.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)?
I am going to do my neighbor's son 
2. When will you do this car raid?

This weekend 
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?

When is the most likely situation where you would use your car? 
Do you carpool with your friends a lot? 
What's your favorite radio station to listen to in the car? 
How long have you been driving?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?
I would write down what kind of CDs he has in his car because I think you can tell a lot from a person's music taste. Also just the general condition of the car (old? new?) and how it is inside. I'll look at what he has in the little compartments because people usually keep important things in those places. 

Merger Photo