Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Extra Credit Assignment

The website I chose to explore was This website's intention are to inform people on all things related to photography, even the most uncommon stories. While I was exploring the website there was an article on "selfie deaths" but at the same time there are articles on how to use photoshop and photography tips. I think the website's main intention is to inform the reader of things occurring in the photography world (such articles on photographers, and their experience in the photography world), and sneak a few photography tips along the way. This website is very organized and has the sections; news, gear, inspiration, tutorials, reviews and podcasts. In the news section it has all articles related to photography but also relating to the outside world, in the gear section it informs you about the newest gears and gadgets are their functions and all the essential information. In the tutorials section it ranges from tips and tricks in photoshop to how to capture the perfect sunset picture. In the inspiration section it talks about what interesting things other photographers have done and interesting photographs. In the reviews section it has detailed, but not too long reviews on gadgets and cameras. I am going to add this website to my bookmarks because I think it has really interesting articles and can give good inspiration right before conducting a photoshoot. I would definitely recommend this website to anyone because even if you are not interested in photography there's eye catching article that relate to pop culture. I am going to give this website a rating of 5 because I think it is well designed in terms of the way it is set up. It touched all the bases, its entertaining but informative at the same time.

An article that I found interesting was "The Numbers Behind Selfie Deaths Around The World". It was about how people are dying from trying to take an extreme selfie, and the rate of people dying from trying to take selfies is higher than the rate of people dying from shark attacks. It said that the most common age was 21, and no one over the age of 32 was found to be in any of these accidents. And although women were most commonly found in these deaths, men were the ones that attempted to take the more dangerous selfies. The most common way (16 people) died from trying to take a selfie was fall from heights, then followed by drowning (14 people) and then by train (8 people). I chose to write about this article because it combined the aspect of photography and pop culture and made it an interesting read and gathering of statistics.

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