Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Best of 2015

Best Song 

My favorite song of 2015 was "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber. I really like this song because it sounds very different than his previous work and is a lot more mature. Unlike his previous songs (which I was never a fan of) it has a meaning and a story behind it. His vocals are also very strong, being soft and pleasing to listen to, but at the same time very strong. My favorite element of this song is he is able to get across a "rude" message in a very elegant way.

Best Movie 

Inside Out was my favorite movie of 2015 because it was so much better than what I was expecting it to be, a movie that all ages can relate to. It was witty and humorous and conveyed an important message. What I got out of this movie was that some of our most important memories are not always the happiest, and it can be important to have sad moments in your life because they can lead to some of the most important moments. And without negative emotions, how would we be able to cherish the positive things in life?

Most Important News Story 

The shootings and terrorist attacks that took place in Paris recently seems to be the biggest story of the year. To me it is very important because it rose a lot more concern and realization about ISIS, an event some people have to chose neglect and not acknowledge. It shows the violence that is still present in our world, and how it seems to be getting worse day by day. Like any terrorist attack, it came out of nowhere and took everybody by shock. 

Most Important Person 

I think Donald Trump is the most important person of they year mostly because he is so well known in the political world but also because many of the younger generation know about him and his intentions. It is also ironic how he is talked about so negatively by the majority, but is in the lead for presidential candidate. Although he has not done much for our country, there is a very large posibility he will be our president. 

Entertainment of 2015 

Kim Kardashian was for sure on of the most talked celebrities of the 2015 year. She is known for her cult loving reality show "Keeping up with the Kardashians" and in my opinion is responsible for the fame of her sisters Kendall and Kylie. Not only is Kim married to Kanye (who thinks he should be the person of the year) and gave birth to her son, which was a very popular story. She was very influencial with her style and fashion choices, and not to mention body image. 

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