Thursday, November 12, 2015

Self Portrait and Portraits Part I

Best Tips 

1. Focus upon one body part -get close up
2. Play with backgrounds
3. Alter your perspective

Environmental Portraits 

I like this photograph because although the background isn't simple, it is still focused on the girl sitting on the bed very easily. I like how the subject is right in the middle and her surrounding easily convey a story. You can tell it is dark outside, and maybe even cold because she is covering herself with a blanket, and you may also assume she is a student because there is a notebook next to her. 

I picked this photo because its very raw and emotional, although its just composed of a man sitting against a wall. The man's facial expression puts the whole photograph together and his clothes and surroundings just add to it. I think it can be hard to accomplish a photo like this, and a very good job was done here. 

Self Portrait 

I picked this photograph because its colors really stood out to me. I like how the hue of the photograph is the same, but the shades of blue are different. It's interesting how the subject is looking out somewhere, making you wonder what is outside the space of what the camera lens can capture. 

This is a very interesting photograph because you don't know what the subject truly looks like, and end up looking at Marilyn Monroe from a magazine page. The photograph and the picture are perfectly lined up, when you look at it for the very first time, you almost think that is actually the woman. 


I like this photograph because the woman is framed which I think always makes the picture more pleasing to look at. The colors of the photograph complement each other very well and again the photograph conveys a story and makes you wonder what the woman is looking out to. 

I picked this photograph because it's very candid and you are able to see everything that the baby is doing and looking at. The colors and surroundings make you feel very happy which I think makes a great photo. 

I have two ideas of what I want to shoot. I want to take a picture of one of my friends and either have it be a close up or a part of their body (not including their face). I would want to take these photographs in a lively place, such as downtown, sixth street or zilker. What I will do to make my photograph successful (if i do a close up of the face) is play with the eye contact and find a busy/interesting background and blur it out but you will still be able to make out what it is. If I decide to take pictures of their bodies, I would probably take it in portrait and have a lively background and try to incorporate depth in it. 

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